Places that Move Us

SmartGO envisions a world of vibrant, safe and accessible communities. Car-optional planning approaches and more sustainable transportation modes are key ingredients for the development and revitalization of such places. These before/after photo simulations by Steve Price of Urban Advantage show a compelling future for neighborhoods and districts across the US. View additional images in Steve’s free online book, Imagining a Walkable America.

Urban design credits for Places that Move Us:

Alpine, CA: San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
Chattanooga, TN: Code Studio, Austin, TX
El Cerrito, CA: Urban Advantage, Berkeley, CA
Livermore, CA: Urban Advantage, Berkeley, CA
Missoula, MT: Dover, Kohl & Partners, Coral Gables, FL
Peoria, IL: Ferrell Madden, Washington, DC
Queens, NY: Massengale & Co, New York, NY
Richmond, VA: Dover, Kohl & Partners, Coral Gables, FL